Follow the instructions of this guided meditation to breathe in and out, in order to relax your mind and connect with nature.
Follow the instructions of this guided meditation to breathe in and out, in order to relax your mind and connect with nature.
Follow the instructions of this guided meditation to breathe in and out, in order to relax your mind and connect with nature.
A healing practice that uses elements of nature, such as clay, stones and crystals, to restore your energetic and physical balance, promoting well-being.
Learn about the alchemy and power behind the use of essential oils directly extracted from plants. The aromatherapy brings balance, harmony and strength to your body and mind.
We’ve lost contact with nature in our modern lives. This experience will teach you something about the medicinal properties of native species.
The guided immersion into the rainforest is key to restore the balance you need for your self-healing process.
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Vamos juntos celebrar o Festival da Alcachofra?
Preparamos um menu exclusivo, elaborado com alcachofras frescas diretamente dos produtores locais, especialmente para você.
E tem mais: para os finais de semana das eleições, 6 e 27 de outubro, temos condições super especiais para que você possa aproveitar ao máximo essa experiência gastronômica em meio à natureza!