Fire awakens the senses: experience a hotel with a fireplace

Fire awakens the senses: experience a hotel with a fireplace

It is estimated that the discovery of fire by humans was around 1 to 2 million years ago. A crucial milestone in our evolution, which boosted many aspects of life and shaped our trajectory as a species.

It's no wonder that it holds so much fascination for us, especially as a symbol of comfort in the cold of winter. Discover how living this experience in a hotel with a fireplace or fire pit can be comforting and pleasurable. Good reading.

The magic of the flames of a fireplace or floor fire

At first, this discovery was used as a source of heat and protection against predators, providing greater safety and comfort. Over time, mastery of this resource made it possible to cook food and became essential for the manufacture of tools and weapons, improving hunting and defense capabilities.

However, it was in the development of communication and social cohesion that fire magic played a fundamental role. Bonfires became meeting and socializing points, where individuals gathered to share stories, experiences and knowledge.

The fireplace as a symbol of unity

The social interaction provided by bonfires strengthened ties between members of the same group and contributed to the formation of more complex communities.

Throughout history, fire was taken into buildings in the form of fireplaces or pyres, becoming a symbolic and cultural element present in all societies, being used in religious rituals, festivals and celebrations, representing purification, light, warmth and life.

In the cold of winter, a refuge for the senses.

hotel com lareira

Human beings have established a relationship with fire that carries a strong ancestral charge, full of memories and feelings of warmth and security that emerge in front of a lit fireplace.

This collection of affective memories is stimulated by the heat, the sounds of crackling wood, the aroma that burning wood releases and even the diffuse yellow light that surrounds the environment.

A portal to return to nature,capable of calming, reducing stress and allowing a reconnection with your inner self or with those around you. But it's not just in a comfortable indoor environment that magic happens, a bonfire or a fire under the starry sky also awakens comforting sensations and is an invitation to contemplation.

Our ancestral reconnection with fire: food, drink and comfort.

The act of sharing food and drinks in a hotel room or restaurant with a fireplace can be a deeply meaningful experience, capable of strengthening bonds and creating lasting memories.

We have already talked about how the cozy heat of the fireplace and the crackling of the wood create an inviting atmosphere that activates the senses, and this allows the flavors and aromas to intensify, making the experience of having a drink or enjoying a meal even more sensorial.

Furthermore, by gathering around the fire, we open space for intimate conversations, laughter and moments of relaxation. Our Pau e Pedra Restaurant was built like a beautiful mansion overlooking the Serra de Paranapiacaba, made almost entirely of large wooden beams from old buildings. 

In one of the corners of the restaurant, a large stone, preserved in its original location, emerges from underground and gives an air of grace to the burnt cement floor. These features and a large fireplace further stimulate the ancestral connection with fire which, combined with our exclusive menu and drinks menu, make your experience even more intense.

But, if you prefer a more intimate and exclusive environment, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of the fire in one of our houses,next to the fireplace or in a private backyard with a fire pit and surrounded by the Atlantic Forest. 

Ronco's houses have their own identity, without giving up the comfort of contemporary life. The Limoeiro suite,with its farmhouse feel, has a pleasant living room with a fireplace that invites you for a glass of wine and a finger of proza.

At the Figueira house,the stones and robust wood — old train station yard sleepers and street lamps — give solidity to the suite and, at the same time, a feeling of protection and coziness, which are completed with the fireplace or around the fire floor, in the private patio.

The Helicônia suite is a small house with an early 20th century feel, charming and ideal for relaxing and chatting around the fireplace, which warms the entire space.

With two large bedrooms and a living room with a fireplace, the Bugio house is permeated and invaded by the forest. The light and aromas of the Atlantic Forest shine through the beautiful large windows that spread throughout the building.

A destination with a fireplace close to nature and close to SP.

Outside Ronco, nature reveals itself in all its exuberance. The leafy trees and native plants of the Atlantic Forest sway in the wind, orchestrating a soft melody that accompanies the birdsong and produces a relaxing symphony.

Here it is possible to enjoy the cold weather in an inn with a fireplace inside, but close to São Paulo, and also contemplate lush green mountains that alternate between shades of green and blue throughout the day. The fresh, humid air offers a break, a deep breath that fills the lungs like an invigorating breath of life.

Of course, the magic of fire is present and you can count on our team to provide firewood and help with the fireplace and fire pit. It is also possible to order a delicious fondue accompanied by wine from our cellar.

With minimum temperatures around 10°C in winter, the Piedade region has just the right amount of chill to enjoy this season, and we are the hotel with the most inviting fireplaces, the most delicious menu and the most charming suites for you to enjoy the maximum.

Contact our team and make your reservation. 

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mês da árvore no ronco

Setembro nos convida a celebrar a essência da natureza. Aqui no Ronco, cada detalhe é pensado para você se reconectar com a serenidade da floresta.

Ao se hospedar, você receberá um Kit Nature exclusivo, preparado para prolongar essa harmonia.

E no Dia da Árvore, 21/09 (sábado), participe do nosso Forest Bath e renove suas energias com a natureza.

Venha viver essa experiência mágica! 
